Why Is Your Acne Worsening With Age? 3 Reasons Why

As you age, you would think that acne would go away. You aren't a teenager after all, so why would you still be having acne, and why is it worsening? The answer may not be that clear, as you could have worsening acne for several reasons. If your acne is getting worse and you aren't able to get it under control, there are things you can do. Read on for reasons why your acne may be worsening as you age, and what you can do about it.

1. Your Hormones Are Changing

As you age, so do your hormones. If you didn't have acne in your younger years, consider yourself lucky. If you are getting it as you get older, it may be because you are going through menopause or even perimenopause. If you are in your 40's or early 50's, this may be the reason for your acne. You may also notice other hormonal changes, but these hormones can affect your skin as well. You can consider hormonal replacement to help with acne and other issues you are having. You should also consult your dermatologist about this hormonal acne, as medication may be able to help with your acne.

2. Your Skin Is Dry

As you age, your skin goes through changes. What was once supple, hydrated skin is now dry and over-producing oils that are leading to your acne. If you have dry skin, you should drink more water and use a moisturizer to hydrate your skin. Make sure you are using an acne treatment that isn't drying out your skin, and you are using a moisturizer that is sheer enough that it doesn't lead to further acne.

3. Your Stress Levels Are Higher

As you get older, you have a lot more to stress about. When you're young, you don't worry so much about money or how you're going to pay for college or even retirement. If you are stressed out, it can lead to excess oils and cause your acne. To help, you should do what you can to alleviate your stress, which may be difficult to do. Exercise can help, as can doing other things that you enjoy.

If you are experiencing more acne as you age, there are reasons why this is happening. Talk to your dermatologist about why this is occurring and what you can do about it. There are treatments that can help, although some may need to be medicated treatments that your dermatologist can prescribe. For more information, contact a local dermatology clinic, like Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists.

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Nearly Perfect: A Skin Blog In most photos you see in magazines and on Instagram, the models' skin has been airbrushed to look smooth and perfect. In real life, you will probably never get your skin to look that perfect. But there likely is room for improvement. Professional treatment by a dermatologist can help you get rid of stubborn blemishes, dry patches, clogged pores, and other imperfections that might make you feel self-conscious. Treatments have come a long way in recent years, and new therapies like laser treatment and dermabrasion are giving patients amazing results. Learn more as you dig into the articles offered on this website.

