When Should You Get Your Moles Checked?

If you get some moles, you may think they aren't cute and are a concern—especially in regards to skin cancer. So, what can you do if you notice that you're getting some moles and you're not quite sure if they're something to be checked out? 

Go In for a Mole Check

Before you freak out and assume that you have a cancerous mole, just schedule a mole check with your dermatologist. During a routine mole check, your dermatologist will take a look at every mole that you have on your body and determine whether or not they look concerning. Then, they will chart all of your moles so they know which ones to keep an eye on during your next mole exam. 

If your dermatologist does recognize a mole or two that look a little bit worrisome, then they may do what is called a biopsy. During a biopsy, your dermatologist will remove the mole and then examine it under a microscope to see if the cells are cancerous. If the cells come back benign, then you're in luck. If the cells come back as precancerous, then your dermatologist will schedule an appointment with you to determine which route is best to take. 

Perform Mole Checks at Home

When you're at your dermatologist's office, ask them about how you can conduct your own mole checks at home. Typically, to catch an abnormal mole, you will need to do several things including: 

  • Running your hand over your mole: Does it feel raised and bumpy? Are the edges smooth or jagged? If the mole is raised, has gotten bigger, or has jagged edges, then it should be looked at. 
  • Looking for abnormalities: Moles aren't going to be perfectly symmetrical, but they should be fairly round. If your mole is starting to look a bit more asymmetrical, then it may be worth having it looked at. Another thing to look out for is discoloration. What color is the mole? Is it black? Does it have any spots on it? Is the color changing? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then it may be worth having it looked at. 

By being in tune with your body and being familiar with the moles on your body, you can hopefully catch anything concerning before it spreads. To learn more, reach out to a dermatologist near you. They can perform a mole check for you. 

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Nearly Perfect: A Skin Blog In most photos you see in magazines and on Instagram, the models' skin has been airbrushed to look smooth and perfect. In real life, you will probably never get your skin to look that perfect. But there likely is room for improvement. Professional treatment by a dermatologist can help you get rid of stubborn blemishes, dry patches, clogged pores, and other imperfections that might make you feel self-conscious. Treatments have come a long way in recent years, and new therapies like laser treatment and dermabrasion are giving patients amazing results. Learn more as you dig into the articles offered on this website.

