When To See A Dermatologist

If you are like many people, you don't always know when you should seek out the care of a specialist rather than a primary care provider. As such, many people who should go see a dermatologist, for example, do not do so. This can have serious negative effects on a person's health and well-being. Get to know some of the times when you should definitely go see a dermatologist. Then, you can be sure that you are doing what is best for you and your health going forward. 

You Have a Lot of Moles

Whether or not you are having issues with them, if you have a lot of moles, you should go see a dermatologist. The dermatologist will examine and inspect all of your moles to determine if any look strange or suspicious. 

If you do have suspicious moles, your dermatologist may want to remove and/or biopsy them to make sure you do not have skin cancer. Otherwise, the dermatologist will essentially map your moles. Then, if you go in for a follow-up (which they may recommend you do annually), your dermatologist can determine if there have been any changes and can decide if those changes are worthy of further examination. 

When you have a lot of moles, you are more prone to skin cancer issues. So, if you haven't seen a dermatologist already, now is the time to start. 

You Have a Mole that Has Changed Shape or Color

Along those same lines, if you have a mole that has recently changed shape or color, you should probably get it checked out by a dermatologist. They will be able to determine if the changes you have noted are worthy of concern. 

If they are of concern, the dermatologist will schedule and can immediately perform a biopsy of the mole to examine and test further. This will determine if any cancerous or pre-cancerous cells can be found in the mole and whether or not further steps need to be taken if so. 

You Have a Nasty Rash

If you have a serious rash, you will also want to go see a dermatologist. For example, if the rash covers a large portion of your body, seems to be spreading, or just won't go away, a dermatologist is an expert that can help you figure out what is going on. 

Now, if the rash is spreading rapidly and you cannot get in to see a dermatologist right away, you should go to an emergency room. But for normal rashes or rashes that cause severe itching or cause mild to moderate pain, a dermatologist can help you out. 

Now that you know some of the times to see a dermatologist, you can be sure to schedule your first dermatologist appointment as soon as possible. 

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About Me

Nearly Perfect: A Skin Blog In most photos you see in magazines and on Instagram, the models' skin has been airbrushed to look smooth and perfect. In real life, you will probably never get your skin to look that perfect. But there likely is room for improvement. Professional treatment by a dermatologist can help you get rid of stubborn blemishes, dry patches, clogged pores, and other imperfections that might make you feel self-conscious. Treatments have come a long way in recent years, and new therapies like laser treatment and dermabrasion are giving patients amazing results. Learn more as you dig into the articles offered on this website.

