4 Things You Should Know About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can be injected into the face to provide additional volume where it's desired. This procedure is fast and requires no surgery or anesthesia. If you're considering getting dermal fillers, here are some facts that will help you get started:

1. Dermal fillers are not the same as botox injections.

People often talk about botox injections when they really mean dermal fillers. Botox is made from botulinum toxin, which is used to paralyze certain muscles in the face in order to smooth out wrinkles. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are injected into the skin in order to provide a plumping effect. People who are concerned with dark circles under their eyes can benefit from dermal fillers. Dermal fillers can also be used to plump lips and restore facial volume lost due to age.

2. Dermal fillers last for up to a year.

Dermal fillers last longer than many other types of injectable treatments. Unlike drugs that disperse into the muscle, dermal fillers are made from gel substances which stay put. Your dermal fillers will gradually be reabsorbed by your body, but this will take anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the type of filler you get. If you change your mind and want the effects to dissipate sooner, you can return to your doctor to have the procedure reversed; your doctor will then inject you with a substance which will break up the dermal filler and cause it to disperse immediately.

3. Dermal fillers should be administered by a licensed professional.

Dermal filler injections are a minimally invasive treatment that can be performed right in your dermatologist's office. However, these injections are still considered a medical procedure, which means they should be administered by a licensed professional. When scheduling your dermal fillers, make sure you choose a practitioner who is qualified to help you. Picking the right doctor will ensure you get the results you desire.

4. Dermal fillers have many more applications than most people know.

Most people know that dermal fillers can be used to add volume to the lips and cheeks. Fewer people know that dermal fillers can be used to provide a nonsurgical nose job. If you want to alter the shape of your nose, but you're not ready to commit to a rhinoplasty, dermal fillers could be just what you need. Your doctor can straighten a bumpy nose by injecting dermal fillers around the bump. People who want a more refined nose tip can also benefit from dermal fillers. Talk to your doctor to find out what possibilities are available.

For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Midwest  Dermatology Clinic PC.

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Nearly Perfect: A Skin Blog In most photos you see in magazines and on Instagram, the models' skin has been airbrushed to look smooth and perfect. In real life, you will probably never get your skin to look that perfect. But there likely is room for improvement. Professional treatment by a dermatologist can help you get rid of stubborn blemishes, dry patches, clogged pores, and other imperfections that might make you feel self-conscious. Treatments have come a long way in recent years, and new therapies like laser treatment and dermabrasion are giving patients amazing results. Learn more as you dig into the articles offered on this website.

